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BCA Auctions Grading
By using the Japanese auction reports we all have piece of mind and providing transparency to the customer. Autocy imports Japan cars, trucks, buses, SUVs and vans from over 115 Japanese car auction locations.
Grade 1:
The vehicle may ahave minor interior and exterior defects that require SMART repairs, IE minor scratches or dents and minor replacement parts could also be required.
Grade 2:
The vehicle may require repairs as Grade 1 plus up to 1 major or minor body shop repair. The replacement of more significant internal or external trim parts (excluding panels) may also be required.
Grade 3:
The vehicle may require repairs as Grade 1 & 2 plus may include up to 5 minor bodyshop repairs, 3 major bodyshop repairs or a combination of major and minor repairs. The vehicle may include a single replacement bumper.
Grade 4:
The vehicle may require repairs as Grade 1, 2 & 3. It may have a combination of major and minor repairs and could include a non-structural replacement panel.
Grade 5:
The vehicle may require repairs as Grade 1, 2, 3 & 4. It may have a combination of major and minor repairs or the vehicle may have sustained collision damage and the replacement up to two structural panels may be required (providing there is no other damage on the vehicle).
Vehicles in this grade are simply uneconomical to appraise and fall into one of the following categories.
Substantial Accident damage
Major Parts Missing
Recorded items that exceed the criteria of Grade 5
Multiple unrecorded items